Revival and the Staging System

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Revival and the Staging System

Post by Enthalpy »

Revival and the Staging System
For the sake of the AAO open source project, Unas has decided to make some changes that developers should know about. First and most importantly, Unas is stepping back as the person approving every pull request. He has appointed that responsibility to me. More "unorthodox" edits to AAO will still require his approval, but I can approve anything that doesn't break backwards compatibility or change the architecture of AAO. Alongside me, I'll have two other experienced programmers, kwando1313 and ThePasch, leading the project. They'll be looking over pull requests as well, and when it looks good to the three of us, I'll merge it.

Secondly, Unas has added a new staging environment. Once I decide the code looks to be in good shape, I can have the code sent to the staging environment. There, you can test changes in the developmental version of AAO before they go live on the website. The environment is currently set up to be separate from the version of AAO you're using at the moment. That way, things that happen on the staging environment stay independent of what happens here. Still, this code allows you to test features that are coming soon - whether to see if they fix your bug, to leave feedback, or just to see what the future has in store! You will need to make an account on the staging website to make a trial there.

Lastly, if you have experience with forum templates, give Unas an email at The forum templates could use compatibility updates, and volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

As always, it will still be Unas's call when code gets pushed to the main AAO website, but with the new system, we're hoping that we can start getting code added again, to make AAO a better casemaker.
[D]isordered speech is not so much injury to the lips that give it forth, as to the disproportion and incoherence of things in themselves, so negligently expressed. ~ Ben Jonson
phoenix nick trite
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Re: Revival and the Staging System

Post by phoenix nick trite »

Just quickly, will it be possible to keep the external music and sounds that you add to a case? (some of my music and sounds have stopped working)
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Re: Revival and the Staging System

Post by Enthalpy »

No. Authors are still responsible for finding links that work and maintaining them. Making that AAO's responsibility means Unas needs to pay more to host them.
[D]isordered speech is not so much injury to the lips that give it forth, as to the disproportion and incoherence of things in themselves, so negligently expressed. ~ Ben Jonson
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